Sunday, 9 August 2020

Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!

Alright, still on Antibiotics Resistance, we’ve already learned the cause of AbR that we can control. Let’s talk about the one we have no control over.

It is a fact that bacteria especially are ubiquitous: they are found everywhere, on every surface. The environment is a reservoir for these bad guys. Humans and animals also are. Now that we’ve already established that, let’s get to the scary part.

When we take antibiotics, these bad guys die, and when they are ejected out of our bodies they always end up in the environment again. For instance, when an infected person urinateand flushthe flushed out bad guys go to the sewers and from there into the soils (if the sewers leak or something),and back into the human body when we come in contact with the soil or with someone that has had contact with the soil. Imagine that!

 Imagine this also: the flushed out bad guys meet with more of it’s kind out there, and seek loving embrace. They make out, have sex, AND exchange part of themselves; their DNA. Their DNA already reconfigured due to the antibiotics you took is now in another clean bad guy, and it’s own DNA is now reconfigured. Do you get the picture?

 Now the amazing/scary thing is that sometimes these bad guys can be completely dead when they’re flushed out, but their DNA can be picked by others, and these others now have acquired the DNA that makes them resistant to what killed those bad guys.

And because we don’t know or even see the bacteria we have been infected with, we don’t know if they have been reconfigured.

This is why sometimes, a person can be resistant to a drug that he/she hasn’t even taken , or hasn’t taken in a long time. Although this process is not easy to quantity, resistance DNA that circulate among bad guys are nearly impossible to eliminate.


In such a case we can’t control what do we do? Again don’t over-take antibiotics, and do all things hygienically. Take healthy foods that boost your immune system so that way, you don’t need antibiotics all the time.

During my Industrial training, I was privileged to see people’s test samples where all available antibiotics are either completely useless or on their way to being completely useless in killing bacteria, and that’s is what inspired this post.


So stay safe, and create awareness.

Photo from Beatrice the Biologist.

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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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