Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello friends, thanks for clicking the link that brought you here!!!

Hi, I'm Lois,
and I'm very excited to the moon to share my knowledge of my course with you, not just because it is interesting(in fact, interesting is an understatement),but also because i believe everyone should know about these organisms that stick closer than a brother!                 While it may seem like I've always had this love for Microbiology or microorganism,it wasn't always like that. Not until i entered university did i really know what microorganisms were, or even acknowledge the course Microbiology. Sure i knew Amoeba (didn't we all?? I mean if you did biology in secondary school, and you really paid attention), and that was the closest thing i knew to a microorganism. And, although i might have seen it in one or two novels i read as a child, i didn't really care to look it up as long as it was not Medicine and surgery (are there people on this table???).

      Anyways, I'm studying microbiology at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (lol, where did you think the story was going??). Imagine how I felt when,boom,I didn't reach the cut off mark for Medicine, and worse, for some reason everywhere I turned, I kept hearing microbiology department was where rejects of Medicine and surgery were thrown into (imagine calling me a reject? i was in siffia pains). Because of that, i hated saying the full name- I'd just say "MCB"(that's what others said too, but my reason for saying was different). I always said I'd change course after first year (even borrowed courses and all), but that was before I fell in love in first year second semester. I'm in my final year now (well after I'm done with my IT, but yaayy!!). Also, i have an aunt who studied microbiology where i school (although i didn't know that until i got admission into university), and she was a source of comfort and encouragement i needed to assure myself that i was studying a good course (she is a doctor lecturing at UNILAG).
     There are lots of people who are exactly like i was- students already in school who don't like microbiology (especially first years), secondary school students who have no idea what they want to study, or who think Medicine and surgery is a do or die affair, and even those who think Microbiology is not a professional course(ha!). This blog is specifically for you (and this is one of the major reason I'm starting this blog), because as my bio says" I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganism!!". It is also for everyone as the vision of the blog says:
                     "cutting across every profession with the study of microorganisms, because they are respecters of no profession"

I hope that as you glimpse into my love for my course via my blog, maybe- just maybe you'd start to appreciate this course more, and most probably fall in love with it(fingers crossed).

P.s: I'll try as much as possible to limit the words and make the blog as simple as possible, but before i end, do you think that passion/love can be found in forced things?(like careers?). Leave a comment, let me know what you think!

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  1. Your first post💛💛🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😩

  2. TBH I don't see forced and passion working together, you can just learn to not be frustrated by your career. Though there are some cases where see people managing to align both, it isn't always easy.

    I'm excited to learn about microorganisms because it doesn't seem like a bad ideas at all because of you 💛.
    CongeCongratula on your first post

    1. you are right! there are very few cases where people come to love what they didn't want originally. I also think openmindedness play a role, don't you?. i mean if a person put aside the resentment he/she feel for a course and open his/her mind to learn for the knowldege, and not just for passing there'd be , he could really enjoy it

  3. Passion, yes, passion for what you doing is all you need to get to the zenith. Its originally an innate thing, but you sound like this is acquired. Like the fact that YOU LOVE what MCB is about. I am eargaly waiting to learn more about this focus point. Thank you for creating this to further our interest in knowledge. Bravo.

    1. i believe that passion can be acquired. In a case where you originally had no interest in such a career, having an open mind, with a substantial amount of effort can really go a long way in helping you find (acquire) the love and passon for such a course. Thank you so much

  4. I never saw micro biology as a bad course oo. Maybe it's because I'm not in that field lol. Well done Lois, I'll support you all the way

  5. Well done girl, Microbiology is a very interesting course to do and we need more people like you on our planet. As a child growing up, i wanted to be a biochemists but unfortunately things happened which i have no regrets but now I'm pursuring my passion. Go for it girl!

    1. Thank you so much!!!! Keep pursuing your passion, and see where it will take you!!! Go for it!

  6. I think a person can fall in love with a course he/she didnt actually plan or intend to study, it happened to me so it can happen to anyone else

  7. I also had a problem picking a course but I eventually chose a course that I thought was best for me I had issues all through but I just think that interest is the most important thing. This blog was very informative I always found microbiology informative but my set mates always complained about long notes and all, I feel interest is the most important thing if, you have a good teacher that can make things crystal clear for you there's no course that is too difficult. Thank you Lois��

    1. No course that is too difficult.... I believe that too. Thank you!

  8. Nice. Can't wait to Learn Something outside my field. Please try to explain and expound more. So non-science students like me can understand. ��

  9. So,here's the thing: I've been low-key nursing this imagination about how [maybe] there's a larger world of organisms that we(humans) are "micro" to��. I'm glad someone'd get to be talking about the world of microbes (It'd help to know how that feels��).
    Well,my comments on passion and career are entirely subjective—so I'd reserve that!

    Congratulations on your first post,BTW!

    1. lol. you should know that there are microorganism on one person's hand than there are people on the planet, so I'm willing to bet, that they communicate amongst themselves "see this small human". Thank you Stein!!

  10. Wow this is nice, you hardly find someone passionate about microbiology lately.
    Keep it on dear!💪💪

  11. Wow.....this is excited to learn more about microorganisms....... thank you for sharing...will be looking forward to see more of these...... congratulations on your first post👌

    1. Thank you dear, you'd be amazed at what you find out about microbiology and microorganisms

  12. Well done baby gal... Keep up the good work

  13. Ok, this is an exciting endeavor and I think your excitement is contagious because when you first told me about it and I said to go through with it, I was looking forward to seeing something big and you've done something big! Kudos Lois, I'm proud

  14. Also if you're wondering who it is, it's your teacher. I've told you before, I expect great things, Keep it up

  15. I was wondering😂😂. Thank you

  16. Uhmmmm if love can be found in forced careers well yes and no
    Iknow how that sounds
    But then yes cause it's possible to end up loving it as time goes on and there's also a possibility of not falling in love with it at all... You could end up hating it the more cause you're forced

    What I'm trying to say in summary is this whole possibility thing can be prevented... If teens are taught and enlightened about career choice ( I mean not just medicine) hahahahah
    I'm literally rolling my eyes
    Y'all should wait for the child to get shocked with a course they probably haven't heard about by JAMB

    Also parents shouldn't force theirs kids to do what they have no passion or interest in (show support as little as you can)

    Meanwhile @loisTGM I look forward to what you have for us all😉

    1. yeaah i understand the resentment people can get toward the forced couse, especially if the expectation if too high. as i said earlier, open mindedness goes a long way. the person alredy zeroed his mind completely on the course, not giving himself opportunity to learn and discover the interesting facts about the course/career. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Ofure!! Also,Anticipate dear!!!



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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