Monday, 22 June 2020

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I've been so obsessed about making this post really simple. Before we start, are you a new comer and haven't read the previous post? Click here to read so that you get the full gist because this is the continuation of the last post.

Microbiology is broad and is divided mainly into two branches: the Pure Microbiology, and the Applied Microbiology.
I figured since pure microbiology is pure, this picture could pass as Pure microbiology picture in this context. Get it?

Pure Microbiology is the most essential branch. It is pure in the sense that the microorganisms themselves are studied/examined in-depth. It covers the study of everything about microbes- their history(even up to their village people), their growth, reproduction, survival instincts, communication skills, good behaviors, bad behaviors, metabolism,texture and appearances, how they eat, how they sleep, and every other thing relating to them. 

There is a term Microbial taxonomy. Microbial taxonomy is the classification of microorganisms having similarities together, and separating them from other groups of microorganisms that have different characteristics.
Pure Microbiology studies this various microbial taxonomy, so by this,we have sub-branches of Pure Microbiology
  • Bacteriology: the study of Bacteria
  • Mycology: the study of Fungi
  • Protozoology: the study of Protozoa
  • Parasitology: the study of Parasites
  • Virology: the study of Viruses
  • Phycology: the study of Algae 

Other sub-branches include:
  • Evolutionary microbiology: study of evolution on microorganism
  • Cellular microbiology: study of the structure and function of microbial cells
  • Immunology: study of the immune system, the relationship between pathogens such as Bacteria and Viruses and their host
Applied Microbiology on the other hand is the branch that deals with the application of microbes and the knowledge about them in other fields of science. It studies the world of microorganisms and the way it interacts with our own world, and how we can use their super powers and combine with our own super powers(of production and the rest) and see how to produce human beneficial products. It is because of this branch we are able to know how microorganisms can be used to produce food, ferment beer, and so on. Pretty cool huh?? To mention a few sub-branches of Applied Microbiology, we have
  • Food Microbiology: Study of microbes that cause food borne illnesses, and microbes used in food production such as fermentation of beers
  • Medical Microbiology: Study of microbes responsible for human disease
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Study of microbes used in pharmaceutical products such as Vaccines, antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins
  • Microbial biotechnology: Using microbes in industrial or consumer products
In summary, Microbiology is concerned with form, structure, reproduction, physiology, metabolism, classification , and most important, economic importance of microorganisms.

For fun, pick any word here and tell what you understand of it.

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  1. History— the study of how one's village people came about😹😹😹😹

    LTGM,this is really good stuff!
    We're following right behind ya!🙌

  2. Thank you Stein!!. by the way i thought you would try to figure out the caption beneath the microbiology picture. you are among the people i figured

  3. Sorry, what am abt to ask is off the box ...
    What do u hv to say abt our professionality.. Is there any effort made towards that ?
    Because , yes we have to develop passion in order to do well in any field ... But our chance of surviving outside in the society is poor ... We have many rival , take for instance clinical microbiology ,med lab have upper hand than us ...
    So my question is what is our chance outside sch ?

  4. Dear Tochukwu, at a point I thought like that too, how we’re not appreciated I’m our country, and the fact that a lot of us are scared of what the future holds for us, especially those that want to practice. I even went to vent on Twitter during the #professionalizemicrobiology. But the thing is, I’ve come to realize, we are actually professionals, and if you’re a professional at what you do, then we’d survive anywhere. We should leave that mentality behind as it will just keep us running in circles. Instead we should focus on our course and be outstanding



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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