Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello friends, thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!!!

Microbes have been around longer than anything else on Earth, longer even than dinosaurs. This is our story, and unlike other microbes, we have decided to tell it ourselves. God bless the Grandmother for agreeing to it. You see we've been waiting for this post to introduce ourselves, so let's get right to it!

Hello!! We are Bacteria


I am Mr B, a representative of the BACTERIA clan. I wouldn't even try and be humble and say some of you know us, all of you do! You see God in His AWESOMENESS, just like He made Jesus the firstborn made us the first born of the microbe world(let these other microbes argue for all we care). 
We are ubiquitous but not omnipresent, that title is for God alone. We are found everywhere in the environment- in the air, soil, water, surfaces, on plants, in and on humans and animals. Being present everwhere makes us stars, and how do stars do? Like we do! I dare say we that we are the friendliest of the microbe world. I'm serious, I mean a whole lot of us are very beneficial to you humans, we live in your guts, intestine, stomach, help you in digesting, keep guessing the rest. But sadly, or should i say normally, there are black sheeps in the family. Some of you should relate, you are black sheeps yourselves. These ones cauuse harm to their host, both primarily and when opportunity arises in their search for greener pastures.
VIRUS here
They say VIRUS are the smallest of all microbes, we are! But let me tell you the smaller the deadlier. They say we are not classified as living things because we do not respire or excrete, metabolize energy or reproduce the way these other silly microbes do. Big joke! Let me ask you do non living things have DNA or RNA? Because we have either one. Go and ask people with HIV whether we are alive or not, talking yhen yhen yhen playing God in our situation! We are only alive and able to multiply inside the cells of other living things(host), and we only exist to make more viruses. We are very dangerous, let's be guided.

lol. You must have heard of yeast used to make bread and soy sauce, edible mushroom, even cheese. That's FUNGI doing. We do a lot more, for example, we change the colour on peoples face- you guys call it pigmentation. We also cause what Yoruba "Lapa Lapa", English word is Ringworm. We grow on different hosts, anywhere that  is warm and damp. We also live inside you,we are normal flora in female private part, deal with it. Anyways move, when it's our turn for proper introduction, we'd meet, for now, we gats sleep.                            

PROTOZOA. We hope you remember us from secondary school biology

We are not much of words. The early things you were taught in Senior Secondary school biology as living organisms are us; Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena. We are small animals- that's where our name came from. We eat bacteria, fungi, thereby maintaining microbial population; trust us you don't want an overpopulated microbial environment. It's disastrous.

ALGAE are aquatic, plant-like organisms. We are photosynthetic, a feature not common to bacteria, fungi nor virus. That's all you need to know for now, I have to get home to my wife, the waters are cool this night. Before I go, I can't resist dropping this meme

lmao, get it?


From what you just learnt, what are the unique features of each class of microorganisms? Although Mr Algae had to go back home, my home is with the Grandmother, so I'd love to see your comments and answers in the comment section. Let us know what you think.


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  1. Whoah! The thing about the algae-bra got me though! Great work! You introduce witty remarks I your writing and that's brilliant.

  2. 😂😂😂
    Look at me learning about microbes and my head isn't overheating.
    Great work babe!!!

  3. You're good. Enjoyed the storyline. No dull moment. Keep it up

  4. So funny but educative,want to see more of it.

  5. Really love how you play with words. You're like a talented artist, you just draw attention
    Great job

  6. heheheheheheheh. I love your word play too. Thank you so much

  7. Interesting
    Thanks for simplifying microbiology😙

    1. You’re welcome, and thanks for reading😊



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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