Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello friends, thanks for clicking the link that brought you here! Welcome back after a long time!
First off,  and I tell you.
Alright. I'm Mazi, whatever to meet you. Mean, fowl mouthed, brilliant smile, mad micro voice(too bad you can't hear it),passionate, sarcastic and a word pun lover amongst many other things are my awesome characteristics. I'm doing well! This is heads up, especially for the first two characteristics, because although God is working on my attitude and mouth, it MIGHT come to play in the period I'd be handling this blog. Instead of using actual insulting, very insulting words,  I'd just settle for made up  word. So if you see words that makes you think you obviously don't know English very well, don't stress out being so hard on yourselves. Just accept my version, and you can even start using them -I don't mind. They sound like minion languages, I call them micro language.
TODAY, I'm teaching you on BACTERIA. The good ones, the bad ones and the worse ones.
The good ones are called NORMAL FLORA. They are permanent on certain body sites like the skin, vagina, the rest. They are good because they do not harm you. They either benefit from you alone or both benefit from and provide benefits for you like protecting you from other invading organisms. The bad guys are called PATHOGENS. They are the known bad guys.  It's their reputation and they're damn proud of it, raising their tiny shoulders.  They are capable of causing disease and can only do so if they manage to overwhelm the human immune system. The worse ones are OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGENS. These moracchinitos are good guys gone bad. They are supposed to help you but take advantage of an opportunity not normally available and cause disease given the right circumstances. They only cause disease in non-healthy individuals. 
Quick question, forget the names I gave, which do you think is worse between Pathogens and Opportunistic pathogens? 
You already know what I think but you wanna know why? Naira Marley (I think) said it best: The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know. It's like having friends you think are friends and then all of a sudden an opportunity comes for them to join the cool clique of friends or something annnnnd kaboom!! they leave your sorry ass. But you can't be sorry for too long, You retaliate. That's what you immune system does. I like to think that your Immune system fights back harder than it does to the bad guys(pathogens) because nobody likes a back stabbing wheendariderschmuck. My ex used to be bad, until she wasn't! Sad? are you kidding? DO I SOUND SAD??? Over a mi... mi...micro thing? Good riddance to bad rubbish! Phew! I just made a pun word right now coz I'm bad like that.
Or another example; like those of you surviving here in Nigeria, and boomshakalaka you get an opportunity to leave and you don't think about nothing (you shouldn't, no judgement here), you just leave. I STILL HAVE SOME DAMAGE TO WRECK ON THIS BODY BUT GAAADD!! I WANNA LEAVE TO THE OBODOS. The immune system of this body nearly killed me o, but once a bad G always a bad G. I legit really need to leave this body to a new one. preferably a lady, what with fresh feel and all. 
You know, you humans think of pathogens in hostile terms- as invaders that attack your bodies. But bad guy pathogen like the good guys is simply trying to live and procreate, and the worse guys just want to jand.
A Bacterial Culture Test can help you find harmful bacteria like me in your body, so

I love God, and His words, and so I will quote from Proverbs 18:24 " a man that has friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother". Love us, and we will love you. because for real, we ARE closer than your brother and your sister and all your family members and even your best friend. You don't love us,  we mess you up,  real talk. 
I am Mazi the Bad G,and peace out.

Students should be able to pronouce Moracchinitos and Wheendariserschmuck! lmao

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  1. Wow
    The way you use your words are just amazing
    Just keeping the reading grooves on my head....

    Wow I now know about the real "Bad guys" πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    1. Thank you dear Isaiah. Now you know o, are you a bad guy? lol. I'm glad you learnt

  2. This is wonderful.

  3. Just when I thought I'd heard it all you dropped another one: who under heaven says Wheendariserschmuck! It sounds like a German word for "life sucks so deal with it" . You have a talent. Develop it!

    1. Wow!! I love that you have thought of the meaning of the word. Thank you, and I'm glad you learnt!

    2. And Stephen Chronicler thought up a meaning for "Wheendariserschmuck"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. I tell you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Lois πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
    You're the only one that would get me to read a blogspot on microorganisms. I like bad boys though πŸ’€πŸ’€ but I shouldn't

    1. I'm currently thinking about this "loving bad boys" ishh

    2. Please don't, thank you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. You like bad boys? My teeth are wide open rn, lmao! you shouldn't but you do.... God will help you,lmao

  6. I like bad boys like youuuuuuπŸ˜‚πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Joan Iroanya πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I love you too

  7. Nice job Lois, sustain the zeal. However, I'm suggesting that you make your write-ups a bit formal especially in the introduction because it's supposed to or perhaps, it should be your hook line. And less frivolous wordings is also important.

    Besides, your main points are lucid and enjoyable. Especially the opportunistic pathogens...

    1. The writer himself!


    2. Thank you for your opinion, I'd consider what you've said 😊. I'm glad you liked it

  8. Lol that's a surprisingly really good meme πŸ˜‚



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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