Saturday, 15 August 2020

 Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!

Photo from Twisted doodle on Pinterest

Hiiii. I want to tell you a story.

Once upon a time that might come, we will take virus as antibiotics. Doctors will hand out prescription on what type of virus to use as medications . And we will willingly accept virus into our body to survive bacterial infections!

You may  “wow” or “OMG”, but don’t “it’s a lie”. Seriously, don’t, because it is true. Even bacteria can be infected by virus! Viruses that kill bacteria are called “Bacteriophages”.

Did you know that using virus to kill bacteria was the first method of killing bad bacteria in the body? I know how you feel, I was shocked too.

It was discovered in 1917, over a decade before the first known antibiotics “Penicillin" was discovered. And since the discovery of antibiotics, the use of phages was put on hold.

But our time with antibiotics is running out! Bacteria resistant to colistin, an antibiotic of last resort , has been discovered on pig farms in China! And so, a promising way to kill bacteria is to use bacteriophages

You should know that it is not the kind of virus you’re scared of, but the ones that have been worked on in the lab for use. The question is : is it safe to have virus in our bodies? We’ll get to that. 

Now, let’s  look at how these phages operate.

First, phage recognizes and attachitself to a bacteria. Next, it injects its DNA into the bacteria. Instead of the bacteria’s DNA to copy, the virus DNA copies itself, make more shells and packages the copied DNA into those shells. Lastly, the phages release toxic chemicals that make holes in the bacteria from the inside, releasing newly made phages to the outside to infect more bacteria.


Phages are specific to certain species of bacteria. This means that if you have for example a resistant Staphylococcus aureus, you can get the phage that kills only that. In that way the good bacteria in our body won’t be disturbedAnd because phages are specific to bacteria, they cannot harm humans! This answers your question.


The best part is that phages CAN kill antibiotic resistant bacteria! Rather than stopping them from doing a specific process like multiplying, phages actively DESTROY bacteria cell wall and cell membrane and make holes from inside to release themselves, that way stopping all process. This process makes it harder for bad guys to develop resistance. Seriously super amazing!


Although phages are harder to prepare, and take longer time to use in treatment,one day, it might be our first line of defense against bacteria

Not all that bad now is it?

So stay safe, and create awareness 🤝♥️

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1 comment:

  1. This blog post was incredibly enlightening! The concept of using viruses as antibiotics is both fascinating and promising. The specific targeting of bacteria by bacteriophages, without harming humans, opens up new possibilities in combating antibiotic-resistant infections. The intricate process of phages destroying bacterial cells from within is truly remarkable. It's exciting to think that one day, phages could become our primary defense against bacteria. Overall, this post provided valuable insights into a groundbreaking approach to fighting bacterial infections.



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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