Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello guys,  thanks for clicking the link that brought you here! 

Guys guys guys!  This is a new feature I hope you would love.  It entails the feelings and thoughts of microbes put in poems, hymns(well just the words,  then you can form the tune by yourself 😁). I can't write poem even for a pay😁, so this new feature also features poets.It also comes as a side blog post  with their stories as the main blog. Sit back,or stand up and enjoy 🤗

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 
You who once scorned me, 
Now shiver in fear at the mention of my name. 
The thrill of seeing you shiver cannot be described with words.

You've avoided me for years.
Though I was before your very eyes, 
You were blind. 
You gave me zero attention, zero acknowledgement. 
But now I have all your attention.

Call me tiny, call me small
I am God's chosen reaper, 
My time is limited I know ,
But it's worth it. 

My only wish though is that
I'd be able to infect using mosquitoes as my agents. 
Then,  you would see my true power.
(if wishes were horses) 
Alas!  I have put you all to shame. 
I am the boss now!
I am YOUR Coronavirus!
                        ~Joan x Corobaby

Kisses and sanitizers 💋

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  1. 😩😩😩
    I love you, and Corona is just that jealous girl that's gonna get what they deserve 😏😒😑

  2. Hello, for y'all looking for me, I'm temporarily and unavoidably unavailable cause the world took a break! Whoa Corona has pulled the breaks on Earth. Take the turn away from our galaxy hikers!



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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