Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!

So, since this blog is dedicated to the study of microorganisms , it is only wise to begin with an introduction to the course that is dedicated to them. Presenting (drumroll!!)

I believe most of us here have even the tiniest idea of Microbiology. Microbiology is simply the study of small, really small "living" organisms. The small I'm talking about here is not even like this dot(.). I'm talking "not able to be seen with the naked eye" type of small. That's amazing right? I bet some of you haven't seen something that cannot be seen with the naked eye before. But guess what? I have!!. That's right, and I tell you, it was so easy too, not because I have super powers, but because I used a Microscope!

Notice the emphasis on living. That's because they are very much alive, as alive as you are. They eat, sleep, and even poop 

LMAO, I've been thinking of this since i saw it. Does it confuse you? In my previous post, someone commented :
So, here’s the thing: I've been low-key nursing this imagination about how [maybe] there's a larger world of organisms that we(humans) are "micro" to��. Well,


So, if these organisms on our hand alone are more than the entire world population, then surely they'd feel big in a small way and maybe even look scornfully on us (for people who don't appreciate and take care of them).

Who are Microbiologists?

LMAO, ok simply put, Microbiologist are people who study microorganisms. Because infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms (collectively called pathogens), Microbiologists are capable of studying the cause of an infection, and even begin the drug prescribing process, and that is what most of you don't know. True fact, without the microbiologists, a doctor cannot even begin to guess how to prescribe drugs to his patients to treat infection. Microbiologists can also work in any field of microbiology, and this is what we would discuss next.

Off record, I want to do a birthday shout out to my forever friend, who played a very major role in making this blog a reality. God bless you Ofure 
P.s: There is a word pun hidden somewhere in this post. First person to identify and comment it gets something!

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  1. This is so cool!really makes learning easier!

  2. Heres your pun:then surely they'd feel big in a small way

    1. Nnam, congratulations!! You got the word pun!. Kindly send your phone number/ your account number

    2. Thanks alot really appreciate!

  3. You've given us something to PUNder on.
    Nice one 👍

  4. "...They eat, sleep, and even poop..." Mad o!!💩(emphasis on sleep and poop😹)

    This was really engaging. I think there's a lot of puns in this but here's one I noticed:

    "...most of us here have even the *tiniest* idea of *Micro*biology."

    Got it?

    1. I'm glad you know that now. Oh wow, tiniest idea of microbiology.. lool

  5. Omo mehn
    My brain is blown 😂😂😩 but I will learn in Jesus name, snd no I don't get the pun 😂

  6. That's because they are very much alive, as alive as you are - word porn

    1. Nice try. By thursday you'd know if you're the

  7. "They'll feel big in a small way"?

    1. trying again @Slick Daveed?, lol. nice try. stay tune to find out if you're the winner



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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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