Saturday 15 August 2020

 Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!

Photo from Twisted doodle on Pinterest

Hiiii. I want to tell you a story.

Once upon a time that might come, we will take virus as antibiotics. Doctors will hand out prescription on what type of virus to use as medications . And we will willingly accept virus into our body to survive bacterial infections!

You may  “wow” or “OMG”, but don’t “it’s a lie”. Seriously, don’t, because it is true. Even bacteria can be infected by virus! Viruses that kill bacteria are called “Bacteriophages”.

Did you know that using virus to kill bacteria was the first method of killing bad bacteria in the body? I know how you feel, I was shocked too.

It was discovered in 1917, over a decade before the first known antibiotics “Penicillin" was discovered. And since the discovery of antibiotics, the use of phages was put on hold.

But our time with antibiotics is running out! Bacteria resistant to colistin, an antibiotic of last resort , has been discovered on pig farms in China! And so, a promising way to kill bacteria is to use bacteriophages

You should know that it is not the kind of virus you’re scared of, but the ones that have been worked on in the lab for use. The question is : is it safe to have virus in our bodies? We’ll get to that. 

Now, let’s  look at how these phages operate.

First, phage recognizes and attachitself to a bacteria. Next, it injects its DNA into the bacteria. Instead of the bacteria’s DNA to copy, the virus DNA copies itself, make more shells and packages the copied DNA into those shells. Lastly, the phages release toxic chemicals that make holes in the bacteria from the inside, releasing newly made phages to the outside to infect more bacteria.


Phages are specific to certain species of bacteria. This means that if you have for example a resistant Staphylococcus aureus, you can get the phage that kills only that. In that way the good bacteria in our body won’t be disturbedAnd because phages are specific to bacteria, they cannot harm humans! This answers your question.


The best part is that phages CAN kill antibiotic resistant bacteria! Rather than stopping them from doing a specific process like multiplying, phages actively DESTROY bacteria cell wall and cell membrane and make holes from inside to release themselves, that way stopping all process. This process makes it harder for bad guys to develop resistance. Seriously super amazing!


Although phages are harder to prepare, and take longer time to use in treatment,one day, it might be our first line of defense against bacteria

Not all that bad now is it?

So stay safe, and create awareness 🤝♥️

Sunday 9 August 2020

Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!

Alright, still on Antibiotics Resistance, we’ve already learned the cause of AbR that we can control. Let’s talk about the one we have no control over.

It is a fact that bacteria especially are ubiquitous: they are found everywhere, on every surface. The environment is a reservoir for these bad guys. Humans and animals also are. Now that we’ve already established that, let’s get to the scary part.

When we take antibiotics, these bad guys die, and when they are ejected out of our bodies they always end up in the environment again. For instance, when an infected person urinateand flushthe flushed out bad guys go to the sewers and from there into the soils (if the sewers leak or something),and back into the human body when we come in contact with the soil or with someone that has had contact with the soil. Imagine that!

 Imagine this also: the flushed out bad guys meet with more of it’s kind out there, and seek loving embrace. They make out, have sex, AND exchange part of themselves; their DNA. Their DNA already reconfigured due to the antibiotics you took is now in another clean bad guy, and it’s own DNA is now reconfigured. Do you get the picture?

 Now the amazing/scary thing is that sometimes these bad guys can be completely dead when they’re flushed out, but their DNA can be picked by others, and these others now have acquired the DNA that makes them resistant to what killed those bad guys.

And because we don’t know or even see the bacteria we have been infected with, we don’t know if they have been reconfigured.

This is why sometimes, a person can be resistant to a drug that he/she hasn’t even taken , or hasn’t taken in a long time. Although this process is not easy to quantity, resistance DNA that circulate among bad guys are nearly impossible to eliminate.


In such a case we can’t control what do we do? Again don’t over-take antibiotics, and do all things hygienically. Take healthy foods that boost your immune system so that way, you don’t need antibiotics all the time.

During my Industrial training, I was privileged to see people’s test samples where all available antibiotics are either completely useless or on their way to being completely useless in killing bacteria, and that’s is what inspired this post.


So stay safe, and create awareness.

Photo from Beatrice the Biologist.

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!

You’re already caught up on why you should go for a lab test in case of an infection and get a prescribed antibiotics and not depend on herbal mixtures.
Now, let’s talk about these Antibiotics:
Antibiotics are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. They either kill the bad guys or stop them from reproducing, allowing the body’s natural defenses to eliminate them.
Over time, these bad guys have developed “odeshi” tactics that has claimed the lives of so many people. I’m talking hundreds of thousands every year. These “odeshi” tactics are termed Antibiotics Resistance.
Antibiotics Resistance occurs when one’s microorganism multiply in the presence of an antibiotics. Now, Antibiotics Resistance occurs naturally, but misuse of antibiotics in humans is accelerating the process, and this is where YOU come in.
Oh yes I’m dragging and shaking this table.
How many times do you prescribe antibiotics for yourself (especially dear Amoxil and Ampiclox)?
How many times do you abandon your drugs because you’ve started feeling better? 
You see these are the ways we give these bad guys the opportunity to kill us. You know how?
When you don’t finish your prescription, and at the right time, you give the bacteria the chance to build a defense strategy. They study the drugs you’ve used so that by the time you use that drug again, they’ve built resistance to it.
Also, prescribing drugs for your self is really not advisable because it is wise to rotate drugs that can fight the bad guys off and in that way not give then the chance to prepare for defense. Leave Amoxil alone o. Leave Ampiclox!
The accumulation of these resistance in the same bad guy leads to multi drug resistance (resistance to several families of antibiotics) or even total resistance (resistance to all available antibiotics)
So please, just like the WHO has stated: Only use antibiotics when prescribed by a certified health professional. Always follow your health worker’s advice when using antibiotics. Never share or use leftover antibiotics. And do all things hygienically. Because if these guys up their games, e don be for us!


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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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