Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello friends, thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!!! Microbes have been around longer than anything else on Earth, longer even than dinosaurs. This is our story, and unlike other microbes, we have decided to tell it ourselves. God bless the Grandmother for agreeing to it. You see we've been waiting for this post to introduce ourselves,...
Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post! I've been so obsessed about making this post really simple. Before we start, are you a new comer and haven't read the previous post? Click here to read so that you get the full gist because this is the continuation of the last post. Microbiology is broad and is divided mainly into two branches: the Pure Microbiology,...
Hello. Thanks for clicking the link that brought you to this post!So, since this blog is dedicated to the study of microorganisms , it is only wise to begin with an introduction to the course that is dedicated to them. Presenting (drumroll!!) I believe most of us here have even the tiniest idea of Microbiology. Microbiology is simply the study of small, really...
Hello guys,  thanks for clicking the link that brought you here! Guys guys guys!  This is a new feature I hope you would love.  It entails the feelings and thoughts of microbes put in poems, hymns(well just the words,  then you can form the tune by yourself 😁). I can't write poem even for a pay😁, so this new feature also features poets.It also comes...
Hello friends, thanks for clicking the link that brought you here! Welcome back after a long time! First off,  and I tell you. Alright. I'm Mazi, whatever to meet you. Mean, fowl mouthed, brilliant smile, mad micro voice(too bad you can't hear it),passionate, sarcastic and a word pun lover amongst many other things are my awesome characteristics....
Hello friends, thanks for clicking the link that brought you here!!! Hi, I'm Lois, and I'm very excited to the moon to share my knowledge of my course with you, not just because it is interesting(in fact, interesting is an understatement),but also because i believe everyone should know about these organisms that stick closer than a brother!     ...


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Hi, I''m Lois, and I'm going to show you the awesomeness of microorganisms!!!!!!!!

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